Vital Baby Anti-Reflux Wedge 0-6 age
Elevated to reduce your baby’s discomfort.
- Non allergenic
- Washable cover
- Waterproof
- Anti Slip Bottom Cover
- Soft
- Baby remains in safe position.
What is a baby reflux?
Physiological reflux or simple reflux is medically defined as “the non-forceful regurgitation of milk into the esophagus whereby an infant may regurgitate their feed a number of times a day.” This is often referred to as happy spitters.
This type of reflux is very common with an estimated 40% 50% of babies under 3 months regurgitate some of their feed at least once a day and it tends to peak at about 4 months old. it is a normal physiological process and especially prevalent in babies as they spend a lot of time in prone position. It usually improves by the sixth month and dramatically after 12 months.
The symptoms of infant reflux include:
- Frequent Vomiting Arching Back
- Fussiness Crying
Frequent Hiccups - Cough whilst feeding.
Vital Anti-reflux wedge helps in improving:
- Digestion
- Sleep by elevating your baby’s head and torso.
- Breathing when nasal congestion.
Vital Anti-reflux wedge helps in reducing:
- Acid reflux or from vomiting
- GERD problem
- The pressure to your baby’s head